Did you know that your credit score makes all the difference between a mortgage approval and rejection? Before lenders agree to lend to you, they verify your credit score to ensure you can repay the money you borrow from them. If your score matches their satisfaction and they agree to lend to you, your score will be further scrutinized to determine how low your interest rate can be.
Five Tips To Keep Your Credit Score High And Your Loan Costs Low
Common Financial Mistakes People Make Which Could Impact Their Mortgages
A mortgage is a life-changing decision as it impacts your financial future. Once you put pen to paper, you’re committed to repaying the liability, and you will have to think twice before booking holidays, splurging on shopping sprees, or maxing out the credit card to pay for a new car.
Meet The Face Behind Wadhen Mortgage & Financial Services
I’m Aditya Wadhen, the proud owner of Wadhen Mortgage & Financial Services.
I look forward to sharing my story. I hope that you will enjoy getting to know me better.